Father/Son Camp Out
March 29/30

At Latham Springs Camp
134 Private Rd 223
Aquilla, TX 76622

On Saturday, come out when you can after 12:30 pm to pitch your tent and fish the ponds (bring your own fishing gear). Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm. Bring your own drinks, snacks and camp chairs. Sunday breakfast also provided. Activities include archery and target shooting with .22 rifles, with all gear provided. Please do not bring your own firearms. We will break camp and depart before noon on Sunday. Cost is just $25 for an adult and one child together. $5 for each additional child. The camp out is for kids age 5 and up.

From the Annual Retreat —- A Prayer of Forgiveness

Father, I confess that I have struggled with hurt and disappointment towards __________________ that has led to anger, un- forgiveness and bitterness. This Anger and Bitterness is sin.  I ask You to forgive me for this bitterness, anger and wrath that I have walked in.

I know that on my own, I could never forgive him/her. But I know that You can through me and I can through You.  So right now, in the name of Jesus, by an act of my will and according to the power of the Holy Spirit forgive ___(name)_ for ______ and release him/her of this debt.  

I will no longer walk in agreement with bitterness, anger and un-forgiveness.  In the Name of Jesus I put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh. I choose to walk in love! Thank You Lord for loving and forgiving me. 

And As You have forgiven, so I will forgive. Thank You for this power, thank You for this freedom. In the name of Jesus Amen!”

The Good Friday Archery Tournament - April 18, 2025 at High Caliber Ranch
5205 E. Middle Bosque Valley Mills, TX 76689. 30 Target 3D Shoot.

Family friendly fun shoot with prizes. Great way to start your season. 7:30 am to 9:00 am rolling start. Iron Pig Shoot, too!

$20 Fun shoot (Center 12) $30 Competitive/Open ASA $40 per family max
Includes lunch. Non-shooter lunch: $5

Buckle Classes (ASA scoring): Men’s & Women’s Open, Men’s & Women’s Hunter

Center 12 Classes: Bow Novice, Traditional, Youth/Cubs

Questions? Call or text Cody Wells at 210-740-8616 or email cody@legacyoutfitters.org

Central Texas Regional Archery Tournament - Saturday May 3, 2025 at 627 Hope For The Hungry Street Belton, TX 76513

30 Target 3D Shoot. Registration: 7:30 am to 9:30 am, but it will be extended 2 hours if it’s raining that morning. $20 Entry per Shooter. $30 per family max. Includes lunch.

Adult and Youth Categories with Awards for 1st-3rd Place.

Divisions: Challenge, Men’s Hunter, Women’s Hunter, Traditional, Open, Youth, Cubs

Questions? Call or text Bryan Rugh at 254-223-1422 or email legacybelton@gmail.com