March Madness!
March 2025
By Alan Weihausen
March Madness…Wilder than a March Hare…Come in like a Lion/Go out like a Lion (depending on the lamb of course)….throw in Mardi Gras and if all this isn’t enough to wear you out, well…you can go around pinching people for not wearing green! I’m worn out already (and just when you thought it was over…”April Fools!)
I used to ask Pops how he was doing and his standard reply was, “Oh…I’m busier than a feather merchant in a windstorm!”
Pretty much sums up the order of the day for a lot of us.
The world is screaming right now. If God wants to get our attention I don’t believe He will doing in a loud voice. (Even though I’m definitely not gonna tell Him what to do.) I believe you will find him in quiet moments…still moments. If I wanted to spend quality time with my kids, I wouldn’t spend it at something like a concert or in rush hour traffic. I’d want somewhere we could visit. I think Jesus feels the same way. Gotta carve out some time each day before THAT day gets chewed up by the daily grind. My truck is a sanctuary. My desk with a cup of coffee and the door closed for a few minutes is a blessing. “Saying you need to spend more time with God” and “spending more time with God” are two vastly different things.
Matthew 6:33 ESV: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
1 Chronicles 16:11 ESV: Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!
Mark 1:35 ESV: And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. (Even Jesus made time)
1. Do you have a time or place that you can be still to talk to God?
2. How do you find time to spend with Jesus?
3. Are there any areas or things in your life that have taken over your attention?
March Madness…March is also known for wind!
“Pops, how do you sell feathers in a windstorm?”
“Well son, you have to watch each one to make sure it doesn’t blow away!” (Kinda like the moments in our day)