October 2024

By Alan Weihausen

It’s that time! Time for cooler mornings…damp grass…bow season…and camouflage. I searched Cabela’s for “camouflage” and there were 2,519 items that popped up. I did a search for “scent” and there were 514 items. “Attractants” yielded 163…and CORN? Well Cabela’s offers 70 varieties!!! 70! Really?

We as hunters spend a lot of time trying to hide from and lure our unsuspecting prey. Gotta do what we can to get as close as we can to make that shot. If we just looked like “stranger danger” out in the open then I doubt we would be successful.

Now flip it! What if we were the unsuspecting prize? What if the enemy were on the prowl? Wait a minute! We are and he is! Don’t you think that he would also camouflage the temptations to make his shot count? Surely we wouldn’t fall for things that seem too good to be true. I doubt very highly that we would fall for any traps that were easy to spot.

Ephesians 6:11 says, “Put on the full armor of God so that you may take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Read Ephesians 6: 10-18


Where are the areas in your life that you feel you need to guard the most?

Who do you have in your life to help you stay out of the traps?

It’s October so aim small-miss small, but always keep an eye out for the snare, and always keep your eyes on the prize.