“My next Legacy”

“My Next Legacy” by Jeff Fritscher

Now that Theodore is here, I am starting a new role in my family as a grandfather.  Am I really that old now?   You don't have to answer that for me.  Holding him, I see again how important it is to build a lasting legacy for future generations.  Of course we will enjoy hunting and fishing together as he grows up.

Most of all, it will be an awesome privilege and responsibility to talk with him about spiritual matters like God's love for us, Jesus' sacrifice, faith, forgiveness, seeking wise advice from other believers, prayer, the Truth of the Bible, and so much more. 

The men of Legacy Outfitters discover that there are many parts to this ministry, including fellowship, shared outdoor experiences, great food, and learning from the expertise of their Legacy brothers.  While we are not a church, we join into a spiritual fellowship that helps us to drop our masks so that we can be real and open with each other.  When you choose to be a part of spiritual conversations with your Legacy brothers, you become better a spiritual leader for your family. 

Please hear me on this:  You are called by God to be the spiritual leader of your family. Are you willing to do it?  Will you allow your Legacy brothers to speak God's Truth into your life and then share these spiritual conversations with your family?

Think about the legacy of Simon Peter in the Bible.  In Luke 5, we see that he was willing to do what Jesus said.  He made his boat available for Jesus to speak to the crowd.  He trusted Jesus to show him where and how to catch a massive load of fish (no Fish & Game Regulation limits!).  Then Simon Peter shared the catch with his fellow fishermen. When he returned to shore, he left everything behind to become a "fisher of men" for Jesus.

This is how Simon Peter started his legacy.  He was willing.  He trusted and obeyed Jesus.  He shared with others.  He left his old life behind to follow Jesus. And we still remember Simon Peter's legacy today.  

I want to be a man that leaves that kind of legacy, starting right here and right now with my grandson Theodore.


“Cross the creek”